Ashlee Sierra

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You didn’t think we were gone, did you?

We know, we know — it’s been a long time since we released a podcast. Jeff insists there’s a convoluted explanation involving three hernias and a root canal. Sure, Jeff.

Possibly fictitious excuses aside, we’re back and totally on top of our game. You can tell because we have a guest who says things like “Oh, I’ve written a few books and taught at a few universities” like it’s no big deal.

His name is Neal Schaffer, and he’s a digital social media marketing author, consultant speaker and humble genius. He’s also the mastermind behind a podcast that releases way more frequently than ours. (We have Jeff’s “root canal” to thank for that.)

Neal says his digital marketing empire — our words, not his — began with a LinkedIn invite back in 2004. As one of the first million LinkedIn users, he was quick to utilize the platform’s now-retired blog feature. From there, he went on to explore the quickly developing digital world like the social media version of Indiana Jones, blazing trails with his dedication to an omnichannel approach.

What did he discover during his travels through YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and even uncharted territory like TikTok? How did he turn a single LinkedIn invite into a long list of marketing and networking accolades?

You’ll have to listen to the podcast to find out.

(Hint: It’s got a lot to do with the importance of data in digital marketing!)


[02:04] Neal’s professional background

[03:03] First steps into podcasting

[06:43] Benefits of podcasting

[08:28] First experience with social media

[12:14] Jumping into other social media networks

[14:12] Evolution of social media marketing knowledge

[17:18] Working with a data-driven approach

[20:18] Utilizing data to neutralize emotions in decision making

[22:44] Reasons email marketing still works

[26:04] Adjusting to trends in social media

[30:23] What’s next on social media

[36:26] Wrapping up


· You have to consume the content you want to promote on your own.

· If you love to speak and there are a lot of interesting guests that you can pull in, I think podcasting can help you tick a lot of boxes on your marketing strategies.

· Podcasting is sexy because it gives you away a network of people.

· In order to understand the true potential and the right strategies, you really need to take a step back.

· Don’t worry about the future. It’s the here and now that counts.

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