The marketing industry is buzzing with talk of buyer personas this year – they’re becoming a more essential tool for an effective content strategy. Why? The proof is in the results.

Take B2B marketing – companies using personas typically see more success in annual revenue compared to those without personas in place. Cintell’s 2016 Benchmark Study on Understanding Buyers revealed that 75 percent of B2B businesses with personas exceeded their revenue goals in 2015, while the same amount of companies without personas fell short of their goals.

And this is only the beginning of the buyer persona’s road to greatness. With all of these positive results, there is still a pretty significant learning curve to get the most out of this marketing tool. Less than two years ago, only 15 percent of B2B marketers using personas felt they were doing so effectively, according to an ITSMA survey. Imagine the power personas have when they are used to their fullest potential.

This is the direction the content marketing industry is heading. Not only do personas help you better understand your customers, but they help you get even more out of your marketing efforts across every channel.

Interested in learning more about personas? Check our infographic below and this step-by-step for collecting buyer data and building audience personas.