Lead Magnets

Incentivize leads, impress prospects and prove your value with lead magnet content from Brafton.

Let’s connect:

Lead Magnet Creator Team

Brafton’s team of copywriters, graphic designers, animators and videographers craft amazing lead magnets for every phase of the customer journey. To generate even greater interest in your brand and to nurture leads closer to a final sale, lead magnet content can push you over the goal line.

If you have a lead magnet idea, we can make it a reality. If you don’t, that’s OK; our creative professionals are ready to collaborate with you and your team to come up with the right magnet idea for your digital marketing or business goals.

Here are a few lead magnet ideas that work well for companies across industries and regions:


Downloadable assets that are beautifully designed yet informative or entertaining.


Online course modules, video lessons, or an email course.

Content Upgrade:

An SEO-driven blog post, white paper or thought leadership article.


Personality quiz, knowledge test or an interactive on-site tool.

Free Report:

Website audit or competitor analysis.

Cheat Sheet:

Tips for accomplishing a difficult or confusing task or series of tasks.


Step-by-step instructions for completing a goal or learning something new.


Webinars, explainers, screencasts or other informative or entertaining video content.

Social Proof:

Case studies, testimonials and other evidence of your brand’s value.

We have experience creating each lead magnet type from this list and more. And as a full-service digital marketing agency, we know there’s a lot more to lead generation than simply creating a great lead magnet.

That’s why our expert content marketing strategists are also deeply involved in each lead magnet project to ensure magnets deliver the leads our clients need.

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Powerful Lead Magnet Promotion

Before your lead magnet creator gets started developing your asset, it’s critical to establish a distribution and promotion strategy.

Few website visitors will see your lead magnet content unless they’re directed there via your other digital marketing channels or find it organically in search. When you know how the content will be distributed, your lead magnet creator team will develop the asset specifically to perform well in those methods.

Your promotion and distribution strategy may include:


Your social media audience follows your brand because they’re interested in your news and updates. They’re also likely to be interested in your most valuable pieces of content as well. Our social media team can help develop, deploy and evaluate a sound social media strategy.

Paid Ads

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising can put your message directly in front of your target audience, or a lookalike audience. Whether you’re using Facebook Ads, Google Ads or another channel, you’ll drive traffic to and increase visibility of your magnet through this distribution method.


Meet your target audience where they’ll inevitably go: Organic search. Using SEO best practices, your lead magnet landing page can be search-optimized to help drive organic traffic to your website.

Other Methods

There’s no one-size-fits-all lead magnet template that’s fool-proof every time. Each brand’s lead generation efforts should be created specifically for their organization’s values and goals.


Email is an incredibly effective way to keep in touch with your target audience. Tell your email newsletter subscribers and other contact lists about your piece of latest high-value content.

When you work with Brafton, the relationship doesn’t end when your lead magnet asset is delivered. You get a full lead magnet creator team with experts specializing in everything from the content creation to the technical website details to the marketing strategy that’ll deliver the most impact.

Lead generation isn’t easy, but a great lead magnet can supercharge your sales and marketing machine.

Your Leads, Your Content

Brafton’s team of strategists, consultants and project managers can help you:

  • Develop targeted buyer personas.
  • Align content with high-value prospects.
  • Launch a full-scale lead-nurturing campaign.
  • Measure performance and effectiveness.
  • Recommend complementary assets.
  • Optimise where necessary.